Buyers Agent

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Find Your Home or Investment Property the Easy way with La Vie… 

Living here in Greater Springfield Lakes, we know the area intimately and can help buyers to discover the local schools & child care facilities, shopping centres, doctors, solicitors, even the best restaurants. With all the fantastic development in the area, new schools, two new train stations and an ever-changing tapestry we can help you to make an informed and heart-felt decision about why Greater Springfield is perfect for you and your family or/and the perfect investment. 

For some buyers, it’s difficult to see past the first impressions… this is where we can help you, particularly to see how easy it really is to make what you may see as a “Sow’s Ear” into a “Silk Purse”. For solutions that satisfy many different tastes, budgets and function, buyers often seek our assistance in finding their new home as often they cannot see the potential in a house. 

If La Vie doesn’t have the house of your dreams then we’ll set out to find it for you! 

La Vie offers sensible, creative and cost-effective advice on possible home improvements as we believe it is easy to judge a book by its cover and therefore overlook what could become a fantastic home. 

Looking Past the Colour Scheme! 

Our buyers (clients) had very clear needs, they were looking for a home which was perfect for their family of four young children, two businesses, plus some little extras like the swimming pool, and oh yes, the wish list also included a “mud room” (ideal with four young children)

We found it and though we all have our own tastes and our favourite colours, lets face it not everyone likes one colour used throughout the whole house.  To be honest our client couldn’t see past the “pink” at first and had by-passed it in their search. 

Looking at the overall picture, it ticked so many boxes and could be perfect for this lovely family so taking a fresh look with some interior decorating advice and solutions to help repaint throughout, dye the carpet instead of replacing it (to save money) and the big one… a new kitchen. Eventually this amazing house was gradually turned into their “forever home”. 

Mission accomplished the buyers bought this house for a fair price factoring in the work they needed to do, it suited their large family and two businesses, it also had a pool and a mud room (everything on the wish list!) all it took was a fresh perspective and a little help for them to see this. 

Can La Vie Help you too? 

Whether you are new to our area, or just needing help to find that perfect property we’d love to help you too! 

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